October 24, 2006
iPod shuffle 2G.
we have the latest and most compact generation of Apple's dearly adored
iPod, so small you can clip it to a tie, or so lightweight you're able
to snap it onto your pubes if you're the type of person (like myself)
who demands a natural appearance when permissible. I envision a hotshot
Wall St. stockbroker with one of these clipped to his (it's always a his
because let's face it girls have no business with financial management)
Jerry Garcia Tie-Dye Tie when boarding a train prior to the 9:30 opening
bell. Yes he's groovin' to Pharell w/ Gwen Stefani and their slick hit
"Can I Have It Like That" when he thinks, "Oh I'd love
to have it like that with the blonde seated up ahead if you
know what I mean!" The financial mad-cat is sippin' his Starbucks
and tonguing the little hole when he smiles and adjusts his tie while
turnin' up the volume a smidge.
Apple, you've allowed for a Soundtrack to Life.
October 6, 2006
A Blast from the Past.
Pulling myself away from studying the gold harvested through my Woo State
curriculum, I bring ye a trip back in time taking us to precisely one
year ago where I found my balance in bringing entertainment on the web.
We have October of 2005.
I've been posting regularly in my Writing Journal (in the form of a bulletin
board), so you might want to check that out down bottom. As per any updates
on this the frontpage of JustChillen.Com, we can only hope that an event
of great magnitude takes place in my life necessitating its glory to be
shone throughout the land. . .
A lot goes on at The
Playa's Club. Or
. . .continue with September.
email: jeff@justchillen.com (I'm waiting on the button.
. .)