Faking the Male Orgasm


A Poem by Jeffrey Marquis



O visions of endless beaches and eternal moonlight ,  how passionately straightforward is the unity of X and Y.  Male and Female.   In and Out.   and In and Out.  Over and Over again. . .


Sweet flowers in a field to pick from : choose with discretion or Randomly , it shall result in the same .

Tickle tickle and Giggle giggle , I see that smile on your face .


Lovely Lovers and their Loveliness swathed in silk sheets, Encompassing one another with spooning and spinning a web of thought with whispers. This is it yeah We're doing it and Oh here it is: AHH Baby look we made it !!  I'm Enlightened for a second   and Free. ( oh the view, the view , that panoramic All. . .  )


Subsequently purposeful no more .


Is that what you want ??

Is that what you like ??

Do you need it that way ??


For it is an amalgamation where two souls may exist as one.

Together and Oneness like Mutual Sharing , you get yours and I get mine .

I promise you all will be fine


even with usual bullshit.  Prickly-prick-prick-a-prick with Heartstrings among intimate conversations and Cherished interactions  Wasted.    Our harmony of Sensual communication –Breaking   and Severed, so now what ??     You know, I don't get you. . .


            hold on a second , let's go back and we have


The Importance of Physicality.

Familiarization with Etiquette.


This is Bonding .

This means something.

This means Something .


Disciple you must Recoil !!